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Shopping Tools

Opening Hours
  • Tue - Sat: 10am - 4pm (By appointment ONLY)
  • Sun - Mon: Close
  • Mobile: 0481 766 776
  • Whatsapp: 0481 766 776
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What to bring

Our bridal experts suggest nude colored panties, and not to worry about the bra.
Everyone needs alterations, so that’s when you decide if you really want to wear a fancy bra underneath. Bring it with you to alterations to make sure it fits under the gown. Otherwise, it’s common to get cups sewn in during alterations.
Be sure to bring along heels at the height you think you will wear on your wedding day. We will have heels on hand, but they may not be your size, or the height you intend to wear.

Planning your budget

Before you get carried away Pinning all those diamond encrusted wedding dresses, take a look at your wedding budget and set a number you’re willing to spend on your gown. This will not only narrow your choices but also help you hone your expectations in the dress shopping process.

Start shopping 9-12 months ahead if you can

Believe it or not, gowns typically take anywhere from 4-10 month to be made. Factor in shipping times, alterations and multiple fittings – in the end, your gown could take up to 12 months to be ready.
Don’t have that kind of time? Some designers offer rush services, but be prepared to pay an extra fee. Out of timely options? If you’re happy to get a professional cleaning and are lucky enough to fit in sample sizes.

Picking the right squad

Take special care when you select which guests will join you on this wedding dress hunt.
First, check how many guests your salon will allow in their rooms.  Second, take a good hard look at who needs to be there. For instance, is anyone helping pay for the gown? Finally, choose guests who are above all, positive people. Certain close friends may not be suited for this day due to general cynicism. Make sure your bride tribe is uplifting, understands who you are, what you like, and understand that this day is about you choosing your gown.

Shopping Tools

It’s so helpful to know what you like, to narrow the gowns pulled at your dress appointment. But don’t be afraid to try on something totally out of the box.

What to expect

Below is a breakdown of what happens at your appointment but remember – you trusted consultant will keep you on track.
* Be greeted by your personal consultant
* Share all of your wedding details
* head to the dressing room and try on dresses
* Complete your look
* Say “YES!”